Samstag, 21. Januar 2012

usual life thoughts + new blogs

just found these beautiful blogs:

and my soul sister is going to this awesome sounding eco-village gathering in nicaragua.

and i'm sitting in my room, studying german linguistics :)

i love the idea of blogging about things i am grateful for, so i might start doing that over at my other creation (bliss being ~ being bliss) - i wasn't sure about what to do with it anyway :)

i feel drawn to the idea of living in a community in nature more again... it comes in waves... on one side i feel the need to pursue an academic career (see below: cognition science as a goal and stuff), but on the other side, i just wanna have a peaceful piece of land and live a love-filled life with people who are dear to me. together. close to "nature". my parents are searching for a farm house with some land. 
i know i could make this dream come true, i am just a tiny wee bit scared. going back to uni is giving me the illusion of having security in this society, at least a little bit. and i do love learning about all kinds of things. i like studying. i have fun studying languages. it's just that whenever i am doing yoga, dancing or something permaculture related... i feel more whole and more home in love. if that makes any sense. [well, it doesn't have to.]

this blog was created because i felt the need to share my crazy outbursts of self-realization with the universe - openly and with authenticity. so, here are my doubts and my dreams about a very simple life... shared with like-minded people. (hearing a beatle song playing in the living room this moment, hehe, nice, i like synchronicities - see blog above).

because... happiness, on one side, is felt inside.
and i can be happy anywhere. on my own.
but on the other side...

... is happiness only real when it's shared?