Samstag, 26. Februar 2011

the fruitarian = my inspiration

plus more inspiration to embrace a fruity lifestyle: great blog post by beautiful & vibrant raw fruitarian Michele.

and last but not least, someone special shared this vid with me today, and I must say, watching it was defnitely worth my time. it's about how self-abuse comes into existence and how we can get rid of it.

end self-abuse now!

- do not own the shame and guilt of self-abuse
- no child is ever born violent
- deprived of empathy, some children will direct their anger against themselves
- this can happen in form of eating disorders, drug addiction, depression etc.
- or they direct their anger against other (i.e. war etc.)
- who the hell is society to morally criticize me? fuck them!
- when I'm attacking myself, I know it's coming from the outside, projected guilt
- I push back the guilt
- stand up for children
- no one deserves to be abused
- who are you to tell me how to live my life?
- I'm addicted to life :)