Donnerstag, 9. Juli 2009

my 100 day new body project

yes, you read right: i am comitted to a 100 day project that creates a whole new me. why do i want to do this? what will the project include? how do i want to reach my goal? good questions, and i'll tell you in this post.

i have been dreaming about having my dream body for quite a long time. i have been struggling with body image issues and eating disorders since age 12. i had quite a good body shape when i was about 17 years old. in my opinion, it wasn't really healthy how i managed to have this slim body. i worked out a LOT, which is good, but i also ate very little and drank caffeine containing beverages. i've had lots of ups & downs. i would fall of my weight-losing-wagon and jump right on again and again.

i fell prey to the wide-known yoyo-effect. well, i'm tired of yoyo-ing. after searching and learning a lot, i finally think, i have found the "right" diet & lifestyle for me. i want to give it an honest chance. i want that hot body back. i will get into shape again, i will look even better, haha. however, it's not only for my outer appearance that i want to do this project. i also strive to have balanced hormons, better sleep, i want to start exercising again & i want to have the energy to work out. i have neurodermitis in my face and on my hands which definitely needs to heal. i have cellulite too... it's not only ugly, it's a sign of bad health. i do this project because i want to be really HEALTHY. i do not only want to survive, i want to thrive.

i blog, i make videos and fotos, i eat 100% 80/10/10rv, mostly fruit mono meals (for better digestion), i will write a food journal...

well, i eat 100% 811rv, mostly fruits. i will exercise every day, no late night eating - the last meal will be not after 17:30, daily affirmations & sufficient rest times. i will be eating about 1500-2000kcal a day coming from fruity carbs. i will include mono fruit days and citrus juice days, i concentrate on being well hydrated. i motivate and coach myself. some support from you guys would be awesome.


- will you join me on my journey to my new self?