- University of Vienna (coordinating partner) (& Medical University of Vienna)
- Comenius University in Bratislava
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics
- Eötvös Loránd University Budapest
- University of Ljubljana
- University of Zagreb
Cognitive Science
Cognitive science is an interdisciplinary project involving different scientific fields in science, technology, and the humanities, dealing with the phenomena of cognition - perception, reasoning, thinking, and behaviour - from an interdisciplinary perspective. Cognitive science grew out of the cybernetics movement in the 1950s and has seen a number of paradigm changes since. Anthropology, Artificial intelligence, Biology, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Philosophy, and Psychology have emerged as core disciplines.The question of human cognition is older than science. One could see the question who we are as one of the very traits that make us human. Cognitive science takes a fresh approach in looking at the phenomena involved from different angles, taking up a question which is deeply philosophical and looking at it in an interdisciplinary manner through the eyes of different disciplinces and scientific methods, frequently testing models by computer simulation or by building robots, conducting experiments, and neuroimaging. This kind of approach gains fundamental importance as it deals with the fundamental substrate of our knowledge-based society.
Interdisciplinary study programmes are challenging: Coming from one field, each student will have to gain insight into other major disciplines involved. Students will have to acquire the basics, gain insight into different experimental methods, and at the same time learn to engage in an interdisciplinary discourse and gain practical experience in interdisciplinary work, partly in an intercultural environment. The goal is to educate researchers. Thus, "knowing a little bit of everything" will not suffice; students will have to gain profound conceptual knowledge as well as solid methodological research skills. Two years are a relatively short time to reach such sophisticated educational goals. Thus, a curricular architecture has been developed to help students meet these goals; this will mainly occur through the integrative kernel of the curriculum.Qualification Profile and Job Possibilities
The programme provides graduates with the necessary theoretical / intellectual and empirical tools to pursue an academic career (Ph.D. programme) in cognitive science or in one of the disciplines related to it. Apart from basic research graduates in cognitive science increasingly find work in applied research. Depending on the direction of specialisation, prospective career fields include the IT-sector (interaction design, usability, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, knowledge management, etc.), education, and biomedical and clinical research, as well as economy. The generic skills (such as teamwork, ability to communicate, reflection and evaluation skills, ability to quickly learn and adapt) acquired by graduates are of use in a variety of careers in the private sector. Graduates of cognitive science are especially suited to work in highly interdisciplinary area, bringing experience in mediating between disciplines. These include the fields of IT and education (see above), as well as the areas of consulting, human resources, and science writing.Cognitive science and related study programmes have been implemented in many European countries over the past ten years; the DFG (“Deutsche Forschungs-gemeinschaft“/German Research Foundation) has determined cognitive science to be one of twelve most relevant areas of research. However, graduates of cognitive science do not necessarily pursue an academic career. A recent survey in the Netherlands with graduates from cognitive science and AI programmes shows that the students found jobs within three months after graduating, many even before. 63% have tenure, 27% temporary contracts, 10% start their own company. 22% work at universities, 10% government, 10% research, 41% ICT, 7% financials, 7% consultancy. 78% of the students are very satisfied with their jobs.