Former NASA physicist Tom Campbell talks about his theory of everything - and I rather like it.
Listening to Tom, I am taking some notes:
If you understand the game you are in, you can become a better player. You can act more productively. Consciousness is "the source". There are many different ideas of what that is, or different forms of consciousness. Consciousness is information, it's data, it is the fundamental reality - all stems from there. It is a self-aware, evolving, growing, changing data field. We are part of that strategy of evolution. What part do we play in making that happen? We have a self-aware potential, but we are kind of at the beginning of our journey. We have a system that is aware that it can exist in different states. There are many forms of those two states.
The information system evolves by lowering its entropy. There is no information in randomness, if you want information, you have to reduce the randomness. Patterns give information. In order to evolve more efficiently, "the one whole" can't just interact with itself - that is very limiting. More complexity means more order, more information, higher adaptable. More and more information, more and more complexity leads to lower and lower entropy. "The one whole" breaks into individual pieces, and the pieces get more complex and evolve by themselves, so the whole evolves with them.
What is high entropy? It is a high level of disorder. Low entropy is ordered. Society is constantly torn down by the conflicting power centers into a state of disorder. The natural state of a low entropy consciousness system is love. What we are supposed to be doing really is growing up and becoming love. Lower entropy and love are the same thing. We are exchanging data with each other on our path. We have a physical, virtual, created reality where all this takes place. Here everything is just digital information (ones and zeros) coming from neurons - everything is data, everything is information.
We are consciousness which is processing information, data. We learn how to interpret the data from birth on. Before we learn the act of interpretation as babies, we have no idea how to interpret the data. We are consciousness and we are getting a data stream and we learn how to interpret it. We create this reality the way we want it. We each get our own, individual data stream - but it's a multi-player game and there are interactions between players. Communication is a difficult thing because we interpret data coming from other players according to our own experiences...