Donnerstag, 10. November 2011


So, after my frustration with a low fat, high fruit raw vegan diet and my longing for having more fun with food again without feeling guilty (I am human after all), I get to experience the consequences. Some things I have learned in the past few weeks:
  • Having a soy cappuccino at Starbuck's equals a sleepless night.
  • Eating meals at restaurants which contain salt, heated oils and sugar are not a good idea to improve my skin condition.
  • Eating cooked food is not going to kill me (right away ^^).
  • I feel very clearly that I long for a low fat vegetable based diet. I know I am doing great with vegetables. I am longing for the plain steamed sort of dishes, along with herbs etc.
  • I like green tea and oolong tea and if I drink them not in the late afternoon they don't cause any big problems with my sleep, and they make me feel good and mildly energized as well as help to sharpen my mind.
  • I don't need salt. Why are they putting that stuff into everything again?
  • I don't need oil. Seriously. Who came up with this?
  • I really enjoy the taste, smells and textures of Thai vegetarian food.
  • I really appreciate to have pleasant to no body odor, good deep sleep, a flat stomach, healthy digestion and glowing healthy skin. Heated oils, lots of salt and refined sugar are not taking me there. 
  • Searching for fun is not a bad idea nor is it a sin.
  • I can have a deeper satisfaction with my life if I take radical care of my self, internally and externally.
  • If I am 100% honest with myself I can see that eating those foods I have been ingesting is not what I truly want.
  • There are so many things in life that can be fun. Food is only one of them.
  • I fell in love with Yoga, and I really enjoy cycling and running, as well as hiking and reading - and, of course, dancing and hooping. 
  • I can still make my food fun - I simply need to take care of this myself instead of relying on others.
  • I can find a diet that makes me happy - emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally. I think and feel I already have a clue what that diet may look like. In fact, I have been clear about this for about one or two months now. I have just needed some time to get to experience other things in order to be certain about my next move. That time wasn't wasted - it brought me clarity.
  • I love my life, I love myself for the choices I make and the consequences that come with it as it promotes my personal growth.
  • And yes, others might look at me and observe what I am doing as failure. Finally I am in a place where I can smile at that. They don't know what I know, they don't feel what I feel. They do what they do and experience what they experience, they get their results and make choices according to that. And that is what I am doing as well.
  • As I have no clear goal except for experiencing my life in all authenticity, I don't have failures anymore in my life - that is a mental program I no longer subscribe to.
  • My mind is like a theater, a movie, a TV show. There are some films running that I know already - they are getting old. It's ready for a new tape, I am ready for switching the channel. And that is a channel called unconditional love.
Peace everyone!