i really like Neil deGrasse Tyson, a very inspiring personality, he says some very sounds things there. ;)
plus, this book is on my reading list (which is growing longer and longer by the way): The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values. you can read an article about it or rather an interview with the author and neuroscientist Sam Harris here.

quote by Harris i liked:
'Consider the Catholic church. This is an institution that excommunicates women who attempt to become priests, but does not excommunicate priests who rape children. This church is more concerned about stopping contraception than stopping genocide. It is more worried about gay marriage than about nuclear proliferation. When we realise that morality relates to questions of human and animal well-being, we can see that the Catholic church is as confused about morality as it is about cosmology. It is not offering an alternative moral framework; it is offering a false one.
i definitely agree and look very much forward to reading this book.