... which is, basically, 80/10/10 *lol*... it's simply the only diet that makes 100% sense to me and feels 100% good in my body. i think i've found the reason why i didn't lose weight, why my sleep and skin are still bad, why my energy is still low, why my cellulite is worse than ever etc.p.p. it's my thyroid. i'm deficient in iodine. and yes, i'll take supplements!
i'll get my blood checked asap. i'll supplement vitamin b12 and vitamin d, as well. will post more about supplementing soon.
and still ... calorie restriction is needed to result in weight/fat loss. my goal is to get in touch with my own sense of hunger. eat when hungry, stop when satisfied. sounds so easy, but for a former bulimic it seems almost impossible. believe me. this is the toughest, but it's also the most important factor in regaining my health, sanity, beauty, energy.
i think many low fat raw vegans still have disordered eating. they respond to everything with eating more fruit. they may not gain weight as easily as i do, but it's certainly not healthy. i'll have to face my self. my emotions. meditation will help me. i can do this.
i think 1500kcal (maximum) might be appropriate to ensure weight loss. i'll get a iodine supplement asap. i'm having some nori at the moment.
i had a 'mini binge' today (the food feels toxic in my body). it's nothing i want to repeat. i realize this and move on. i'm happy that i did this (very short) experiment, it feels good to 'come back home to the fruit island'. and i'm not saying i won't eat cooked veggies ever again, i probably will (because i like them and they didn't make me feel toxic; the *other stuff* i ate today does). but right now: goal is raw frugivorism.
i'll prefer veggies:
- cucumbers
- tomatoes
- bell peppers
- romaine lettuce
- iceberg lettuce
- oakleaf lettuce
and fruits like:
- melons
- apples
- pears
- citrus fruits
- pineapples
- plums
- nectarines
- berries
maybe throw in some bananas (for green smoothies), avocados and flax seeds here and there. maybe some nori.
maybe some figs, mangoes and persimmons.
- limited dried fruit
- no salt
- limited high sugar fruits (bananas, figs etc.)
- limited amount of fatty foods