Montag, 5. März 2012

free to be me

... and I thought I was the only one doing this!

I am dancing my way to freedom and self-love!
when I feel the rhythm deep inside
when I let the music surge through my body
when I can't hold it back no longer
when I get this urge to jump to the beat
when I break those chains that held me back for no reason
when I move like I've never moved before
when I get rid of my self-built prison layer after layer
when I don't care what it looks like and just do it
when I am so lost in my state of inner happiness - in my being - that I forget everything around me
then I become more and more ME
then I get more and more FREE

Samstag, 3. März 2012

nothing is more fertile than emptiness

you always have to have a background to see a figure

we always know what we mean by contrasts
they must come into being together

you don't have first something and then nothing
or first nothing and then something

this unity is called "dao"

that which is void is precisely form
that which is form is precisely void

in the real world there aren't any things
nor are there any events
it means it is a marvelous system of wiggles

you cannot have the ups without the downs
the same thing is true of all life together
we shouldn't really contrast existence with non-existence

the unconscious is the part of experience which is doing consciousness
just as the space manifests the solid
the background manifests the figure

so it is all inter-connected
and I am part of all this