Mittwoch, 28. September 2011

path of least resistance

I am going with the flow.
As I dream I travel, as I love I attract.
Feeling good is fun.
Finding things to appreciate is fun.
Being grateful is fun.
My life is a reflection of my thoughts.
My body is a reflection of my vibrations.
I have the power to create what I desire.
And I can start getting closer right now in the moment.
I can practice feeling good.
I can train myself to be grateful every second.
Joyful living, peace and happiness are possible.
They are within my reach.
I am the person I want to be already.
All I need is to embody it in the physical realm as well.
Embrace my being fully.
Living love with all my being.

good teeth

Montag, 26. September 2011

have fun

You know, I value having fun in my life. I think I didn't allow myself to have enough fun over the past couple of years, sure, I had some fun here and there, but most of the time, I didn't allow myself to fully enjoy those moments.

Fulfilling my need for fun is definitely on my priority list at the moment. I didn't have real fun regularly for so long, that I don't even know what fun is to me. What do I really enjoy doing? I would say I really love dancing and hooping. I love being around people who have a good sense of humor and make me laugh. I enjoy long walks in the woods, in nature. I really like lying on the grass underneath a tree, looking up to the sky, seeing the sun rays shining through the green leaves on the branches. I really like having a fit body and being able to do difficult yoga poses or acrobatic stuff. Will I get my fitness back? Will I get fitter than ever before? I hope so. But I know I can have fun, whatever happens,... yes, I can have fun.

This video shows a scene from one my absolute favorite movies (Practical Magic). This looks like fun to me.
And the song always makes me want to have some fresh coconut water, yummy!

Another thing that is fun for me at the moment is experimenting with cooked food again. I changed my view on cooked foods quite a bit in the last couple of days/weeks. My goal is simply not 100% raw right now. (Again, I don't like the labels I put onto myself. Making these choices gives me a feeling of freedom and I really like that.) I do enjoy all the things I eat. As long as I am alive I will remain open-minded and open to learn. All I have are my experiences, and I am grateful for every single one of them. They are what makes me alive, and I love being alive, that is why I'm here in the first place.

Also, I think there is a lot of black and white thinking going on in the raw food/vegan movement and I want to take a step away from perfectionist thinking patterns. I have had my share of perfectionist obsessions in my young life already. If you love eating all raw, and you feel great with it, then all is fine, and I am glad you enjoy your experience and wish you the best. My path is leading me somewhere else right now, and I am following my intuition.

Love to all! I am off for having some really nice papayas for lunch. What can I say? I simply love fruit.

Montag, 19. September 2011

expressing gratitude for every meal

Today I want to talk about the importance of being grateful for our food. Growing up in a Western country, having enough food and a wide variety of available foods to choose from, it is sometimes easy to take it for granted to be provided with (more than) enough to eat. Well, when I was younger and spent more time with my grandparents, we spoke prayers before every meal. These prayers were Christian prayers and they kind of did not connect me to my food, to the earth. So, I had to say those words without realizing a deeper meaning behind them and soon lost interest in this habit of speaking prayers when I grew older and wasn't told to so anymore. (I am not saying that the trouble was that they were Christian prayers, I am just pointing out that I felt a lack of deeper meaning and connection.)

It has been a few years since I noticed that I missed the pure act of sitting down, being still before having a meal and expressing gratitude for Mother Nature's gift: food. When I spent time with a dear friend in Thailand in 2009, we always folded our hands, closed our eyes and spoke prayers of gratitude to Gaia, either out loud or in silence to ourselves, before enjoying our fruity meals. This simple practice brought me to the present moment and made me feel warm and happy inside. What a lucky girl I am to have food! And such beautiful and nutritious food too!

Sometimes people, especially in the health food scene, get caught in their longings for 'perfect' nutrition. They analyze every bite, plan a lot and get annoyed when something is not ideal, or even beat themselves up for not eating 'the best/perfect' foods. If that is you, I recommend to take a step back and acknowledge that you are extremely lucky to be in a position in which you can even think about all this. I say, be grateful for every bite. The mind is a powerful thing, and what you think can make you feel very miserable - it is not only about the food. Of course, food is important as well. I am just saying, sometimes we make ourselves unnecessarily feel bad. Happiness is a choice, it is not dependent on having 'ideal food' at every meal. (Especially, since every health expert out there seems to have a different take on what 'ideal' means anyway.)

I feel that there is still a bit of anxiety inside myself when it comes to making food choices. I am working on letting go. I ask myself what I feel like, then I choose something to nourish myself with and whatever it is, I am grateful for the food. I am grateful for the sun, the rain, the air, the soil, the microorganisms, the water, the farmers, the trees etc. There is a lot to be grateful for! As you eat your meal in a state of inner calmness, honest gratitude and emotional poise, you will experience a difference in how you feel about yourself and your food.

Since my arrival in Bangkok I have enjoyed fresh coconut water (which is becoming one of my favorite things to nourish my cells), fresh squeezed OJ (this stuff is amazing here, so sweet!), durian (of course! How could I resist?), papayas (love them), lots and lots of dragonfruits (love them) and some bananas. Also had some organic greens.



I will be doing a Yoga Retreat with my friend Jess in two weeks! It will be intense: Hatha classes in the morning, Ashtanga classes in the afternoon. And hopefully relaxing at the beach and getting a nice tan!

I love Bangkok, I am grateful for my time with Jess and I am happy that I have all I need.

Are you expressing your gratitude when you are eating? Do you have a prayer? 

I'm curious.

Donnerstag, 15. September 2011

thailand, music, dance

I am sitting in the same hotel room I had spent the last 2 weeks of my last Thailand journey and I am listening to this wonderful song I posted below. It makes you want to jump and go wild! I love it! S. J. Tucker is a great artist, I love all the songs I've heard by her so far, all from her album "Blessings".

Music is so powerful, dancing makes me feel alive and connected to my true self, my inner Goddess, it makes me feel free, it helps me to open up and shine my light. I miss dancing. I miss music. I miss singing/chanting. So, now that I have come to Thailand my second time, I will focus to give these gifts to myself.

I am in Thailand again. Wow. This is like a dream. It is surreal. I am here and I came here with a one-way ticket. I came without strict plans. I came to experience life. My life. And I came to experience people, and I mean people who really resonate with me, people I can trust and people who are good for me. I am done with relationships that cause me suffering. This includes the relationship I have with myself, my inner being. I am open for something new.

I am here to heal. I know that I don't need to be in any particular place in the world to accomplish this, as it is more about my inner state of being. I can find peace in my heart wherever I am. I know this. I have experienced this. It just happens that I chose Thailand, my intuition led me here. As I've said, I don't have A PLAN. I have ideas, yes, and many opportunities. Possibilities everywhere I look. What I need now is peace, harmony, relaxation. These are the priorities for now. I have many unmet needs at the moment and my body reflects my inner stress I have been suffering from for such a long time in various ways, various symptoms one could say.

I am ready to heal. I am here now. And that is a miracle in itself. I have a body which is a miracle as well. I am blessed with this life and I am going to make the best out of it. I am here to heal and help. I start with caring for myself. I love helping other people, I love caring for animals, I love caring for the Earth. One step at a time, with peace in every step, I may follow my heart now and we'll see what unfolds.

And relax.
(Before you go wild, I mean.)

I am the firebird!
I am his daughter!
I am the firebird's child!
I am a firebird!
I am his daughter!
And like the flame, I am wild wild wild wild
I am the firebird!
I am his daughter!
I am the firebird's child!
I am a firebird, the boldest song you've ever heard
Join in the dance, and make it wild, wild, wild!
Join in the dance and make it wild!

To see a maiden dance around
a fire is not so strange
but fire dances round the limbs
of this uncommon maid!
Be brave enough to burn
and you'll be brave enough to fly!
Join your sister Solace as
she lights the morning sky!

I am the firebird...

Wonders of the water air and
earth are all the same
you'll never know a wonder
like the wonders of the flame!
Freely fly as what you are
and never walk in shame!
You must not fear to blister
if you'd live a life in flame!
I am girl and firebird
and solace is my name!

I am the firebird...

If you're brave enough to dance
then you are brave enough to fly!
Forget what's right and proper!
You won't know until you try!
If you're brave enough to fly,
then you are brave enough to burn!
Take my hand and join me in the
Carnival of Dawn!

I am the firebird...

Sister will you follow me?
Sister will you follow me?
Sister will you follow me?
Sister sorrow walk with me!

(Solace, Sorrow, round and round
Sisters burn the morning down
Solace, Sorrow, round and round,
Sister, burn your Sorrow down!)

Like a flame you must be wild/I am a firebird!

I am the firebird...

You must not fear to blister if you'd live a life in flame!
Freely fly as what you are, keep dancing just the same!
You'll never know a wonder like the wonders of the flame!
I am girl and firebird and Solace is my name!

from Blessings, released 20 June 2007