Samstag, 25. Juli 2009
Freitag, 24. Juli 2009
Montag, 13. Juli 2009
day 1 ~ physical hunger
what really helps to enjoy my food and to stop eating when i am truly satisfied is: being hungry. yes, this is crucial, i tell you! before, i was kind of afraid of this feeling. (i had a time in my life when i was struggling with latent anorexia nervosa.) now i appreciate this feeling of hunger again, but i'm not fond of it. i like to be hungry and then eat something nice sweet and juicy.
i like going to the park and enjoying the sunshine. i will go there more often!
have a great day! let the sunshine in!
Samstag, 11. Juli 2009
neurodermatitis and overweight
according to nutridiary, i need to eat about 1100kcal a day. that seems very little to me, i am used to eat a lot, but it will be ok. i will exercise anyways, and then i can earn some extra food. ^^ which will be fruits, of course.
my dad bought a camcorder for me. i am very happy and grateful for this great present. i love it. i'll post my first video soon. ;)
good news: my mom is on the weight-losing boat, too. this is so great! i love my mother very much. i think she also wants to lose about 20lbs till october. it will be a lot easier and more fun with her support. we can support and motivate each other. this is much better for me than with online buddies. they are great as well, but it's working better for me to have someone i know, someone i can talk to etc.
so, weight-loss and health-gain is big at the moment. besides the excess weight i am carrying around, i also have neurodermitis in my face. it's all itchy and looks + feels awful. my body is definitely getting rid of toxins. however, i must confess that i re-toxed my system today. poor, silly emotional eater, i am. ((tears)) well, my skin will glow, the pounds will melt away, everything will be just fine.
every journey begins with a single step.
Freitag, 10. Juli 2009
day 1
today i weighed myself. i did not freak out. i stayed calm. everything will be alright. i have some 22lbs to lose. this will be fun. i imagine how light i will feel after releasing all this weight. a wonderful vision.
Donnerstag, 9. Juli 2009
my 100 day new body project
i have been dreaming about having my dream body for quite a long time. i have been struggling with body image issues and eating disorders since age 12. i had quite a good body shape when i was about 17 years old. in my opinion, it wasn't really healthy how i managed to have this slim body. i worked out a LOT, which is good, but i also ate very little and drank caffeine containing beverages. i've had lots of ups & downs. i would fall of my weight-losing-wagon and jump right on again and again.
i fell prey to the wide-known yoyo-effect. well, i'm tired of yoyo-ing. after searching and learning a lot, i finally think, i have found the "right" diet & lifestyle for me. i want to give it an honest chance. i want that hot body back. i will get into shape again, i will look even better, haha. however, it's not only for my outer appearance that i want to do this project. i also strive to have balanced hormons, better sleep, i want to start exercising again & i want to have the energy to work out. i have neurodermitis in my face and on my hands which definitely needs to heal. i have cellulite too... it's not only ugly, it's a sign of bad health. i do this project because i want to be really HEALTHY. i do not only want to survive, i want to thrive.
i blog, i make videos and fotos, i eat 100% 80/10/10rv, mostly fruit mono meals (for better digestion), i will write a food journal...
well, i eat 100% 811rv, mostly fruits. i will exercise every day, no late night eating - the last meal will be not after 17:30, daily affirmations & sufficient rest times. i will be eating about 1500-2000kcal a day coming from fruity carbs. i will include mono fruit days and citrus juice days, i concentrate on being well hydrated. i motivate and coach myself. some support from you guys would be awesome.
- will you join me on my journey to my new self?
Montag, 6. Juli 2009
Freitag, 3. Juli 2009
do you know russel's teapot?
If I were to suggest that between the Earth and Mars there is a china teapot revolving about the sun in an elliptical orbit, nobody would be able to disprove my assertion provided I were careful to add that the teapot is too small to be revealed even by our most powerful telescopes. But if I were to go on to say that, since my assertion cannot be disproved, it is an intolerable presumption on the part of human reason to doubt it, I should rightly be thought to be talking nonsense. If, however, the existence of such a teapot were affirmed in ancient books, taught as the sacred truth every Sunday, and instilled into the minds of children at school, hesitation to believe in its existence would become a mark of eccentricity and entitle the doubter to the attentions of the psychiatrist in an enlightened age or of the Inquisitor in an earlier time.

The reason organized religion merits outright hostility is that, unlike belief in Russell's teapot, religion is powerful, influential, tax-exempt and systematically passed on to children too young to defend themselves. Children are not compelled to spend their formative years memorizing loony books about teapots. Government-subsidized schools don't exclude children whose parents prefer the wrong shape of teapot. Teapot-believers don't stone teapot-unbelievers, teapot-apostates, teapot-heretics and teapot-blasphemers to death. Mothers don't warn their sons off marrying teapot-shiksas whose parents believe in three teapots rather than one. People who put the milk in first don't kneecap those who put the tea in first.
from wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

this is always a side-effect when i eat crappy food. it is kinda cruel to be unable to fall asleep. you have no energy and feel awful. i would love to enjoy my beauty sleep like the girl in this pic. that would be awesome! besides my less than optimal food choices today (which i do not consider to be food by the way), i drank litres & litres of green tea, and as i am quite sensitive to caffeine, this contributes to my insomnia. i feel like a vampire. vampires are pretty cool.

why do i sabotage my success? i do not know. really.
i am SO stressed because of the big exam i have tomorrow. i haven't studied enough, i know that. i think, i'll fail. this would be the first time that i fail a test in my whole life! i've always been an a-student and now...
and i binged because i am still love-sick, it just hurts so much to see and feel that he is not in love with me anymore, that he does not really care about me etc.
i knew beforehand that i would feel this way. i knew that i would sabotage myself. i knew that this would hurt myself. but still i did it because this was the only way to forget about everything for just... some minutes. oh, this is not worth it.
frustrated, depressed, but not giving up.
it can only become better and i seriously start a "project"/"challenge"/"journey" next week. hope you'll be there with me and support me a little bit.
Mittwoch, 1. Juli 2009
the art of building self-esteem
13 Tips to Building Self-Esteem
In order to build your self-esteem, you must establish yourself as the master of your own life. Every single minute of your life is a moment you can change for the better.
If you’ve been delaying some action for half the day, don’t dwell on it or beat yourself up for it, shift your focus to the present moment and what you can do right now. Start with the smallest or the most important task.
Photo: Vanessa Paxton
The following are tips to help build continuous upward momentum towards higher self esteem.
1. Start Small
Start with something you can do immediately and easily. When we start with small successes, we build momentum to gain more confidence in our abilities. Each completed task, regardless of how small, is a building block towards a more confident you. What are some small actions you can take immediately to demonstrate that you are capable of achieving goals you’ve set for yourself? For example, clean your desk, organize your papers, or pay all your bills.
2. Create a Compelling Vision
Use the power of your imagination. Create an image of yourself as the confident and self-assured person you aspire to become. When you are this person, how will you feel? How will others perceive you? What does your body language look like? How will you talk? See these clearly in your mind’s eye, with your eyes closed. Feel the feelings, experience being and seeing things from that person’s perspective. Practice doing this for 10 minutes every morning. Put on music in the background that either relaxes you, or excites you. When you are done, write a description of this person and all the attributes you’ve observed.
3. Socialize
Get out of the house or setup a lunch date with a friend. Socializing with others will give us opportunities to connect with other people, and practice our communication and interpersonal skills.
4. Do Something that Scares You
As with all skills, we get better with practice and repetition. The more often we proactively do things that scare us, the less scary these situations will seem, and eventually will be rid of that fear.
5. Do Something You Are Good At
What are you especially good at or enjoy doing? Regularly doing things that you are good at reinforces your belief in your abilities and strengths. I (Tina) can be very efficient with completing errands or administrative work. Whenever I have a few hours filled with ways in which I’ve maximized my time, I feel highly productive and this boosts the confidence have in my abilities as an organized and efficient person.
6. Set Goals
According to a study done at Virginia Tech, 80% of Americans say they don’t have goals. And the people who regularly write down their goals earn nine times as much over their lifetime as people who don’t. By setting goals that are clear and actionable, you have a clear target of where you want to be. When you take action towards that goal, you’ll build more confidence and self-esteem in your abilities to follow through.
7. Help Others Feel Good About Themselves
Help somebody or teach them something. When you help other people feel better about themselves and like themselves more, it will make you feel good about yourself. See what you can do to make others feel good or trigger them to smile. Maybe giving them a genuine compliment, helping them with something or telling them what you admire about them.
8. Get Clarity on Life Areas
Get clarity on the life area that needs the most attention. Your self-esteem is the average of your self-concept in all the major areas of your life. Write down all the major categories of your life, e.g., health, relationships, finance, etc. Then rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 in each area. Work on the lowest numbered category first, unless they are all even. Each area affects the other areas. The more you build up each area of your life, the higher your overall self-esteem.
9. Create a Plan
Having a goal alone won’t do much. Get clarity on your action items. One of the biggest reasons people get lazy is because they don’t have a plan to achieve their goals. They don’t know what the next step is and start to wander off randomly. When you’re baking a cake, it’s a lot easier to follow a set of clear instructions, than randomly throwing ingredients together.
10. Get Motivated
Read something inspirational, listen to something empowering, talk to someone who can uplift our spirits, who can motivate us to become a better person, to live more consciously, and to take proactive steps towards creating a better life for ourselves and our families.
11. Get External Compliments
As funny as this point suggests, go find a friend or family member and ask them “What do you like about me?” “What are my strengths?” or “What do you love about me?” We will often value other people’s opinions more than our own. We are the best at beating ourselves up for things not done well, and we are the worst at recognizing what we’ve done well in. Hearing from another person our strengths and positive qualities helps to build a more positive image of ourselves.
12. Affirmations & Introspection
Use affirmations, but in the right way. Some people think that when they’re in a slump, using positive affirmations will help them get out of it. I love affirmations, but I’ve realized you have to use them in the right way. Sitting on your couch and saying “I am highly motivated and productive” does nothing. Say something like “I am sitting here being very unproductive right now, is this the ideal me? What would be my best self?” Your affirmations have to be the TRUTH. Once you’re honest, take the first step towards doing the thing, no matter how small.
13. No More Comparisons
Stop comparing yourself to other people. Low-self esteem stems from the feeling of being inferior. For example, if you were the only person in the world, do you think you could have low-self esteem? Self-esteem only comes into the picture when there are other people around us and we perceive that we are inferior. Don’t worry about what your neighbor is doing. Accept that it’ll serve you more to just go down your own path at your own pace rather than to compare yourself. Pretend you’re starting over and begin immediately with the smallest step forward.
Self-esteem comes from self-dominion. The more power you have in getting yourself to take the right actions, the more self-esteem you will have. Your level of self-esteem affects your happiness and everything you do.
let me introduce myself ;)
just look at them: they are gorgeous, so bright in their colors & forms, so beautiful and fresh. i mean, aren't strawberries sexy? and smell them! i love the smell of ripe bananas filling my flat. and their taste! all are so different, even every single bite has its own facets, it's amazing. the goal is fixed: i will become a fruitarian*.
but guys, don't stress me. i go with the flow. fruit is too amazing for me to force myself to eat a fruit only diet. fruits are worth to be eaten with an attitude of gratitude and appreciation, they are worth to be eaten because you love them, not because you feel forced to eat them. the thing is, once i say, "all i eat is fruit", i get this annoying, frustrating feeling of deprivation.
and i am a big veggie/salad lover, too. i like to create new recipes. simple ones though. i do not want to live in my kitchen or something. but preparing food can surely be a creative act of love. i like making a salad with different colours in it. why should i forbid myself this then? i do not tolerate dogmatic rules in my diet anymore. i want to do what feels best for me - in every way. not only in the physical and rational, but also in the emotional way.
so, i do not have "this one diet" or "this one fixed lifestyle" - there is simply no label you could put on me. the only thing that is clear and that won't change is: I AM VEGAN**. from the bottom of my heart. i am totally into animal rights activism. and sustainability. so, let's take the responsibility for our behaviour. if you eat animal products, you contribute to a murderous death industry which destroys millions of lives of sentient beings, the planet and yourself. so, think about it. your choice matters, every dollar you spend is a vote. let's vote for a better world, let's vote for LIFE. :)
so: i love fruit. i like salads and simple raw vegan gourmet style foods. guess you can call me a (high) raw vegan girl moving towards a fruitarian lifestyle. always learning & growing & loving the progress.
you wonder how a day in my life could look like (diet-wise)? i'll show you:
- low mineral water in the morning
- breakfast: fruit mono meal e.g. 5 bananas
- snack: further fruit mono e.g. 2 bananas
- lunch: a fruity meal, today i had lettuce wraps with apricots & raisins (very tasty)
- snack: further fruit mono or simple combo e.g. 2 bananas
- dinner: big fruit mono meal OR salad (with all kinds of veggies)+ whatever simple (high) raw vegan gourmet dish comes in mind
i try to keep it low fat, though. i feel that too much fat is not very kind to my digestion & mood. i don't have numbers, though.
so, are you also a fruit lover?
*edit: i'm happy with being a frugivore for the time being (most of my calories coming from fruit)
** edit: yes, i love animals and i feel their pain, i am an empathetic being, yet over the years i developed an aversion to labels like veganism, i like the idea of ahimsa and my motto is "do what you want, harm no-one" - i don't intend to harm others, human or non-human, my outside or inside. showing empathy is important to me. other than that, yes, i do follow a plant-based diet, a love-powered diet, it's all a choice in the moment and i am free in my choices [or at least: ich bin frei in meinem unwillen] - shame and guilt don't belong here. let it flow. peace.