Sonntag, 5. September 2010

wonderful skinny bitch success story!

i'm so happy for lisa! what a great inspiration for us all. i agree, i couldn't put the book down either when i read it. might read it again, it's definitely a good read!

going vegan is already such an amazing gift to yourself and others. it's good to remember this instead of going crazy about 100% raw or not. being vegan is just awesome and i'm very happy and grateful that i'm vegan (for over 4 years now! yay!).

also, i need to say that *yes* i want to lose weight, but i'm not severely overweight (my BMI is 22 or 23). i do have a few vanity pounds to shed and i know that my overall well-being and level of fitness/health would be raised greatly in doing so. i'd feel more beautiful. i'd fit into some of my fave clothes again. these reasons are slightly shallow maybe, but nonetheless, losing excess weight is important for me personally.

i won't let this turn into an eating disorder again. i'm very aware of my thoughts and behaviour. i might include some non-'ideal' foods (from the view of 811rv) in my diet, but health is still my focus. only health results in true, natural beauty. and honestly, that's my goal. being the most beautiful and charming me. this is what i want.

blissful rays of light and love to you all! luv ya! :*