Donnerstag, 23. September 2010

new enthusiasm

about my life! my future! i've finally found some new goals and ideas. i think i've written and ranted on enough about nutrition and diet on this blog now, i'm just tired of it and bored. fortunately, my life isn't all about food and i want to share just random things and thoughts, thoughts and things here on my blog.

i've just realized that the main reason for me to have this blog is to see my own 'evolution'. i like it to look back at older posts and read about the person i was and the challenges i had to face then. i like to just sit down and write about random thoughts and ideas with my random choice of random words.

this blog is here for me. haha. i don't actually have it to inform others about my seemingly (?) boring life, it is one of my tools of personal development, so to speak, it is here because i want it to exist and because i like to create something, even if there is no deeper meaning to it.

well. is there really anything meaningful? i mean objectively meaningful? heck, i'm not even sure if there is really something like reality. or objectivity. anyways. scio me nihil scire. period.

what i wanted to record here - more or less - is that i decided to go back to uni again. this is a bit ironic, but it feels oh so good. making this decision. feels awesome. i'm going to study biology with a focus on anthropology. will finish my bachelor's degree. then i'll study neurobiology/cognition/ethology. i'm going to be a neuroscientist! i'm psyched, i'm stoked, i'm happy. yes, studying science feels really, really good to me.

and it's nothing necessarily nutrition related. i need a break from all that. not saying i won't post anything about nutrition, diet or food ever again on my blog, that would be rather unrealistic. it's just right now, i'm fed up with that topic! haha.

i love this song my one of my fave bands... muse... ♥